

Are You Sure The Thing Your control haven't out of your control line?

Week 12 

                 This weekend i had watched a movie which call EX Machina at home. This movie's genre was under the mystery category and i felt curious why this type of movie does not under something like action or adventure category. That's make me felt interesting and i open it to watch.
After i watch this, i think it make big inspiration to me in my study life.

Let's see about this movie's review and you can get the big picture what message of this movie try to convert to the audiences. 

Movie Review of EX Machina

Alex Garland, writer of 28 Days Later and Sunshine, makes his directorial debut with the stylish and cerebral thriller, EX MACHINA. Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer at an internet-search giant, wins a competition to spend a week at the private mountain estate of the company's brilliant and reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman (Oscar Isaac). Upon his arrival, Caleb learns that Nathan has chosen him to be the human component in a Turing Test-charging him with evaluating the capabilities, and ultimately the consciousness, of Nathan's latest experiment in artificial intelligence. That experiment is Ava (Alicia Vikander), a breathtaking A.I. whose emotional intelligence proves more sophisticated--and more deceptive--than the two men could have imagined.

The ending was cruel, the EX machine call Ava was killing her owner whose name Caleb and also the man who help her escape from the research hall  name Alex.

After watching this movie, i start thinking my life, when every one doing or building up something, they just felt everything was under control of his/ her. But, had everyone felt actually the thing was take control of us under the stealthy and quickly environment.

For Example, the Syria war happened today, never ever people will imagine the war start just because of some children who painted anti-regime graffiti. After that, some were killed in detention, and this led to public protests which spread around the country - fueled by the failure of the government to punish the perpetrators and this was the point begin the big war in the Syria.  This movie get the big inspiration to me was, do not over confident  what you now doing on, we must being self-effacing and careful after we finish our work, we must kept checking as detail as possible in our work was proper or not.

Because, we aren't sure weather the thing under our control never ever can missed out our control line.

Last, i want to pray of the kid and people whose  live Syria, i hope the government can stop the war, please stop the war and let people stay at the safety and happy environment. Please! 

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动画-kissing。。。n emo pretty
