

Life full of appreciate and complain!


This was the second week of the new semester and I realize that I been studying at utar almost one year. Time flies and this week happened a lot of thing, had happy and the restless thing. First, I want to said to my friend and family Happy Duan-Wu Festival, another name was Dragon Boat festival, a traditional Chinese festival. Second, I want appreciate to my mom a lot for given the home make rice dumpling to me before the open school days. I love it, just because it has the taste of my lovely home.

Home make Rice dumpling

This week become more busy than last weekend, because all the assignment are going through and the task given by lecturer was difficult but I believe myself nothing was can't do it, just you want or don't want to do it. During this week, I had participate in certain club and organization holding by senior. I signed up in dance and art&craft club in UTAR, I getting so excited because I going to learn how to dance, I hopefully the organization will creating a dancing class and teach the member how to dance. But the thing make me disappointed was I heard from another senior and he said that are not such thing activity created by dance club, so maybe I will join the chorus club. As my friend said, this club will having the practice on every Thursday, it get my interest to join this organization.
Another classmate might be asked me, how can you handle the activity during this semester and this semester will as busy as like a hell, a lot of thing and assignment will go through during this 14 week. I will said that I hope my university life become more rich and wonderful, not only full of assignment and the result of each subject. As Morris West said,“if you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.” Of course, I will pay my fully commitment
to success my degree in my life, but I hope I can enjoy the sunshine in university life.

 Receipt from dance and art&craft club

Life full of appreciate and complain, now please forgive me will complaining something happened in my life. I think the most suffering thing happen to the GD student was the laptop was crashed!!~~~ ya, it happened in my life now, and the most irritating thing was the attitude and the service from Lenova shop was definitely bad!~ I had been sent my laptop before one week open school, and now is already around one month, the lenova staff was done a stupid thing!!~ they told me they send the laptop to the service center and they rejected my laptop because they found the water vapor inside the mother board's chip, this not under guaranty and they send back to the Lenova branch. OK, fine,and they ask me want to service it or not (ask the stupid question!). Of course I wanna service my laptop, that's why I m sending it to your branch. The staff said, ok, Miss Ong, now we will sending back the laptop to the service center and call them repairing as fast as possible. (This really make me crazy) means that the Lenova staff use one week to checking up my laptop, another one week waiting the service center to send back the laptop, another week sending back the laptop to service center and repairing. What the hell stupid thing they done and wasting my time!~ The most thing make me angry was, I almost begging the staff and said: “can you please helping me to check the process of reparing my laptop? I'm really urgent to using that laptop for my assignment purpose. You know what the lenova staff said?!They said: “Miss, be patient, you pushing me are useless, because everything we wanted waiting the service center to give us the result. =.=.................................................................................................................
Last, I want to say, that's why Malaysia can't be a advanced country now. Look at the service and attitude provide from local staff. …...................................................................................................

Let sharing something interesting happened in my life. I had meet a interesting person whose name DR Mario and he from Mexico. He was a lecturer working at UM now, and why I will know him just because he was the passage whose car pool with my boyfriend. Friday morning, my boyfriend was taken him went to UM, this was the second time I met with him. Dr Mario have a big body figure, and he had a deep breath while he was walking on the road. He is a very funny and interesting person, he like to sharing thing and making the funny complain to the government system, UM university system, his wife or every single thing make him unhappy and he will shared with us. Last Friday, Dr Mario had sharing their opinion with us about the social relationship between human or race. He said, human society was very funny and they class-conscious are very strong. Human like to separate into small different group and labeling who they are and which person was their ally or friend. For example, in Malaysia, Chinese separate into two group who are fully speaking in Chinese and who is “banana”, Malay separate to whose are poor or rich, and Indian separate to whose are educated and no educated. He felt tired and difficult communicate with them just because he was not standing at any side. One more interesting thing he sharing with me was happened at UM. Inside the UM park, had some duck bought from farmer as the decoration the beauty of the nature in lake and park. But something strange happened was the duck suddenly disappear, and 10 duck only left 2 duck now. After verification, prove that the student from Chinese they just stole it and cooked it. The reason they gave to the university because they like to eat “fresh meat”. Dr Mario was laughing and the end of the story, they just get money penalty from the university. I was shocked and feel weird, why they did not bought the fresh meat from market????

WOW, this blgger look quite long, please forgive my overlaborate blogger. Thx for reading my weekend blogger, I hope you all happy and enjoyed this weekend.

 happy weekend
happy mode

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动画-kissing。。。n emo pretty
