

Passion of my life

Week 1

Don't be suprising that I'm using English to write my blog. As this is a task of my first assignment. I'm treated it as a big challenge for me as this is the first time in my life.

Lets start writing something I think was “interesting” in my current life. Before start my new university life at Sungai Long Campus, I went to cycle with my boyfriend at Taman Botani, Shah Alam. To me, cyling always adds up to a complete freedom and enjoyment especially cyling on a high hill road. Cycling can release all my stress and sadness. I wanna sharing this experience to all my friend, cycling is a health activity and an easy ways to release the stress.

Ok, lets talk about my stress, my friend might be confused what kind of stress I have been face recently? As compare with my high school friend, some of them already start do work. They feel their life was bored and just work like a robot that keeps repeat the same things everyday. They feel lose direction for their future and end up lose the passion in their life.

Sometime, I also feel I lose the passion in my life. Luckily I find my “passion” in UTAR. I am really love drawing and anything related with design or art field. I still remember I had a dream to become an artist and draw a piece of excellent artwork when I young. I know my dream will success if I work hard and keep continue it. I feel excited and satisfy when I complete a piece of painting artwork. The success not because of grade or result given by lecturer. It just because I love drawing and I know I can do it!~

My Painting Artwork

At the end, I'm going to share with my friend. Time fly and bored if we no moving forward. Let's find something else you really love to do!~ and do it!~ Let yourself fully focus on that thing, after you achieve the target you set, you will feel enjoy and success.

Let's get up and found back your passion in your life!~

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动画-kissing。。。n emo pretty
