

Something is Wrong or Right????


Animal Rights Activists Protest China's Dog Meat Festival ( Link Asia: June 27, 2014) (Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I0gpfJElHg)

This news was showing a controversial annual festival which located at a small southern Chinese city had puts dog meat on the menu.  Now, the people was protesting and anger from this animal right activity.  At Chinese, Yulin was a city with a population of 600,000 in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, at people at there will celebrate the festival and they name it as THE LYCHEE AND DOG MEAT FESTIVAL.   Local from Yulin was believe that the dog meat is not different from pork or beef and they should be free to enjoy their traditional without any criticize. Besides, the critics are concerned about animal cruelty and many animal or puppy pet are stolen by the local and serve to the customer without any quarantining.

I think this was depend on how people think and stand at which side. For me, I will agree that eat dog meat is very cruel and disrespect the life of creature, it might because the slogan “Dog, is our friend, they symbolize loyal and kindly” always surround me. Many of my friend have the puppy pet and they love puppy a lot.  Nowadays, people like to keep animal as a pet, no matter that animal are from wild or domestic bowl. From another perspective, people was said eating the dog or cat meat are cruel and cold hearted, but how was the chicken, lamb and beef? They do not have life or spirit? They be considered as an animal also, they have breath, they even have the emotion. Why the people did not had the protest about it? I think just because the people feel eating the chicken, beef or pork was common thing, and still had the big amount of people was eating the chicken, beef or pork, Well, some of the people will said why do not become a vegetarian?

I want to say was, if we know the vegetable or any grass plant, it’s acting like the animal, it has breath, feeling and even the emotion. Would people still had to eat them? If really had this fact, should all human at the world being cruelly and without any humanity???  I think the incident happened at Yulin, Chinese not really have a conclusion about right or wrong.  Stand at the local’s perspective, they just succeed the traditional from the preceding generation’s habitude, same for the people we was eating the common meat. We saw the local from Yulin how was they killing process to the dog or cat, but how was the chicken, cow or pig? The farmer even more cruelly and ruthless to the fowl, most of the people do not feel the brutality just because we did not saw the fact and really visited in that environment.

How the human decided to judge a thing was right or wrong? Base on how many sound of right or wrong to the incident was given by the audience? For example, if you put a white and clear paper and ask the people, what do you see from the paper and they will say nothing. But if you are adding a blackspot and ask what they saw from the paper?  Most of the people will saw the blackspot. Try think about the contrast in first and second question, why most of the people concerned about the blackspot rather than saying the paper was clean and spotlessly white? I think, nothing was right and wrong, just base of how the people seeing the thing and think about the thing. As we said, different people different mind.

I’m maintain neutrality in the incident of local people who ate dog meal at Yulin, Chinese.  I have no idea to comment it, because I’m not a vegetarian, and if I really a vegetarian, I also no comment it. Because, based on the video below, I really can’t decide am I cruelly and inhumanity??

PLANTS can SPEAK! WATER has memory. The universe is conscious! Scientific PROOF! (youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_mjkb74Hqo)

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动画-kissing。。。n emo pretty
