

Time in LIFE, life as MONEY

Week 4

This week was already week 4 I’m start my year 1 semester 3 at UTAR. Before I’m join the UTAR, I had been joying one class and it call EPP. As my MUET result did not fulfill the requirement to start my degree, taking this class become no excuse and necessary. This thing, after I enter degree class, I not decided going to tell my friend and even keep it as a secret in my deep heart. Yes, maybe I think this was the bad thing or abase about taking this EPP class. Unfortunately, I got this kind of thing in my mind! ~ Now, I want told all my friend and lecturer, I was so lucky I had taken this class before.
My friend always told me, your presentation skill look good and you do not have the nervous problem, and I can get the new idea and brainstorming exercise effectively. I’m feel glad to my lecturer from EPP, he always give the topic immediacy and ask us came out present without any preparation. During this practical presentation skill, I think I improve a lot and build up my confidence when prepared the presentation during degree syllabus.

What make me remind again this class and lecturer? I think just because the movie as his play on the EPP class and ask us doing the movie review. Now, when I recall my memory about this movie, I think it always inspiration me a lot. That movie call “IN TIME”. The film was written, produced and directed by Andrew Niccol, takes place against the backdrop of a dystopian world in which the universal means of exchange is not money but time.  Besides, Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried star in Andrew Niccol’s dystopian film, they giving new currency to Benjamin Franklin’s infamous quote. “Time Is Money”. In the film, folks are born with a digital clock, bearing one year of time. People were stop aging at 25 years old. This film play the characteristic of youth as a signifier of vitality, bodily capacity and endurance remains uncontested. 

Picture from :  In Time: Film Review (The Hollywood Reporter)

I start thinking this concept of video when I ask my boyfriend bought a bunch of rose to me, and he feel shocked and ask, why suddenly want rose today? Today is not valentine day or ours anniversary celebration. I told him, why must choosing a specific time only buy the rose to me? I’m just had the feeling that I need the rose putting on dining table in ours room. After that, we went to the shop and bought a beautiful glass vase to put in the flower. We suddenly decided went to the Serdang and eat the BBQ & steamboat, I think yesterday was the wonderful day me and my boyfriend spent whole day not for special celebrating but happy than the valentine day we had spent before.

 taken by ONG KA WERN
 taken by ONG KA WERN
taken by ONG KA WERN

Go back the movie, I will think, if I stay at the environment “ Time is Money”, would I still spend my time ( also my life) go and bought a bunch of rose, had the beautiful dinner time with my lover? Answer was, yes, I think love can’t use money to value it. I still remember I had read an article before, it’s about the Titany shipwreck incident, the last phrase which said by the people on the ship was “I LOVE YOU”.
If the only I have was my time (life) was one day, even last minute, I hope I can lying on the beach, enjoy the sunset with my lover.

Stand in other perspective, if the person in movie he/she has a lot of time (life), what would he/she will do? Is he/she still can feel the value in their life??? The most important thing, was the character in the movie was always maintain 25 years old, they never feel old, the weakness of losing their physical and mental strength in the body. What would they do? Maybe they can do anything, they young and full of power and strength, but would they feel boring of their life?? I think people will think life was short and valuable, maybe he/she did not complete some mission yet, or they think not enough time to complete their task in he/she life.

I hear a lot of story is about a person’s life, they regret had not complete their dream, their mission before finish the entire life. What I want to told my friend and family was, if you really want to do or needed complete a task, do not think “ erm, wait one day I had money, wait that day I finish my work, finish my education, wait~~~~~~”…..Go and do it rapidly!~~~Do not consider other people opinion and sight. Do what you need, and do what you love but do not do any immorality.
As we know, time do not waiting for you, at lease you can control the quantity you have the time in your life. If I had the time (life), I do not hope my time (life) was ageless and everlasting. The limit time (life) that you have, that valuable time (life) that you enjoy and cherish it.

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动画-kissing。。。n emo pretty
